Thursday, April 19, 2007

Extremists’ utilisation of the Internet

An extremist is characterised by dogmatic intolerance, expressed mildly or violently, and inclines towards an inflexible obedience to an accepted authority, shaped by a common ideology or sense of group unity (Gardner, 1997).

Extremist groups were among the very early users of electronic communication network that eventually evolved into the Internet. Like many individuals, extremists have utilised the Internet to recruit new members and to spread their message. The Internet may be an especially powerful tool for extremists (Gerstenfeld,, 2003). The Internet allows eExtremists to become anonymous members, unbound by gender or race or even international boarders. The Internet also allows for the linking of diverse extremist groups and also maximum image control.

By creating a virtual community the basic drives of white extremist groups can be shared including racial purity, political hegemony, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Liberal and Anti-Government

The website Southern Poverty Law Canter Intelligence Project ( has counted 803 active hate groups in the United States of America in 2005. A map is even included to detail how many reside in each state. For example South Carolina holds the majority of hate groups with 46 found. These include Neo-Confederate, Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazi, Black Separatist and other groups, with the majority being Neo-Confederate. South Carolinas’ population stands at 4,113,961 people. This is made up of the following races:
White: 67.4%
Black/African American: 28.5%
American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.3%
Asian: 1.1%
Native Hawaiian/other pacific islander: 0.0%
Other: 1.5%
Two or more races: 1.1%
(American Fact Finder,

Texas, has 43 known hate groups including every type of group (Black Separatist, Christian Identity, Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Confederate, Neo-Nazi, Other and Racist Skinheads).
Texas’ population stands at 41,521 people. This is made up of the following races:
White: 71.9%
Black/African American: 11.0%
American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.5%
Asian: 3.3%
Native Hawaiian/other pacific islander: 0.1%
Other: 11.6%
Two or more races: 1.7%
(American Fact Finder,

With both states having a high population percentage of white individuals it is easy to see why such large numbers of hate groups associated with race have been found, as the minority groups are out numbered greatly. The website also has a function which can show where particular hate groups are located such as Black Separatist, Christian Identity, Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Confederate, Neo-Nazi, Other and Racist Skinheads. This function could potentially assist in new members sourcing a local hate group to join.

The introduction of the Internet has allowed such groups to spread their messages to anyone who is looking for particular hate groups, or even those individuals surfing the net and just happen to stumble across one of the many hate group sites from around the world.

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